These are my top wedding planning tips in these difficult times, planning your wedding in covid it not easy and I have spoken to too many couples who have had to change their plans and or dates but what I know is that it will be worth it and you will have an amazing day, so keep the faith and remember, LOVE is not CANCELLED!!
1. Being flexible with your wedding planning.
Gone are the days when we knew what the next week might have in store for us, it is a whole new world we are living in, let alone trying to plan your wedding in the middle of a global pandemic! With ever-changing guidelines and without a crystal ball how do you know what will be allowed on your wedding day! First up stay positive, your wedding day will be amazing! My top wedding planning tip is to be flexible with your plans! This does not mean you have to scrap all the plans you have for a big wedding day, it just means considering the possibilities of your day. What would you consider if it came to it? How many guests are you willing to go down to it if you had to? Would you consider a weekday wedding if it came to changing your date? There are no right or wrong answers to these questions and hopefully, you won’t have to make these decisions but it is worth considering all your options and scenarios and considering how flexible you are able to be.
2. Knowing the guidance on weddings in your area.
To be fair in the time it takes to read this the guideline may have changed, so it’s really important to know what the rules are.
Currently, in lockdown, we know that unless it is an exceptional circumstance you can not get married but if we go back into tiers, knowing what is and is not allowed is going to be really important. So keep an eye on the Government website!
I also follow the brilliant Guides for Brides, they do fantastic lives on FaceBook and Instagram whenever there in any new government guidance, explaining and deciphering the new rules and regulations.
3. Communication with your wedding suppliers is the key!
Talk to your suppliers! Whether you have already booked or are in the process of booking your suppliers, ask lots of questions! Questions like what are their policies if you have to move your wedding date? Would there be a fee? What is the process?
And if it does come to look at moving your date talk to your suppliers, have a couple of possible dates so that between you all you can try a find a date you can move all your plans to. For the last 10 months, I have been doing everything I can to help all my couples and I understand how difficult this can be but communication is the key. As a wedding supplier, we really appreciate you talking to us and we want to work with you to find the right solutions. Like the British writer, Damian Barr commented: “We are not all in the same boat. We are all in the same storm.”
4. Have a wedding backup plan.
5. Time to think outside the box ( while staying within the guidelines!)
Now may well be the time to really think about how you could make your wedding day totally unique! With things like dancing still a real unknown, what else could you do within the guidelines? I spoke to a couple recently, who were considering having a storyteller for their evening entertainment, having them at different places around the grounds of their venue with drinks and canapes at each spot, telling folktales! I loved this idea, what a great and unique thing to do after your wedding breakfast! Also perfect for a small wedding! I have photographed several weddings where instead of a traditional first dance the couple, have danced, just the two of them outside surrounded by their guests waving sparklers!! A great shot and very romantic! What about mini golf after the meal? There are lots of things you and your guests could enjoy that will make your wedding day extra special and memorable.
Keeping the faith with your wedding planning.
Right now we all need something exciting to look forward to and what better to look forward to than your wedding day! These wedding planning tips are a way to consider how to carry on that journey or a great place to start. I have spoken to lots of couples in just the last few weeks, who are excitedly planning their wedding for this spring BUT also be kind to yourself if it all seems too much right now THAT’S OK! We are all doing our best to get through and if you need to put it all aside right now then do it! Wait until you have the headspace to deal with it all. Or it might be exactly what you need! You might have the time on your hands, Pinterest is calling you and you can’t stop looking at Instagram!! Just remember to keep positive, keep talking to your suppliers and most importantly LOVE IS NOT CANCELLED!
Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and do have a good look through my posts and I am always here and happy to answer any questions or help with wedding planning tips.
Yours Danni
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